Top 8 Dating Advice for Women (What You Need To Know)

Top 8 Dating Advice for Women (What You Need To Know)

Finding the right dating advice for women can be really difficult. There is so much garbage out there.Worse yet there are countless slimeballs pedaling some ‘5 step system to seduce any man’.

Let me be real for a minute.

There is not one perfect piece of dating advice for women to fix your love life and find the man of your dreams.

Luckily there are some really great things you can start doing now to increase you success with men and give you the best possible chance of finding the man of your dreams.

Not just advice for attracting men, but getting into great, long- lasting relationships with guys too.

At the end of this page there are loads more great articles with dating advice, but for now there is some core information that you always need to keep in mind when either flirting and chatting with guys or when you are in a relationship with them.

Get a life

What do I mean exactly? Make sure you take care of your life and your needs first.

Make sure that your health, job/school and other relationships are in order.

Guys may be attracted to you because of your looks, which can be great, but if the rest of your life is a train wreck then any potential relationship will not last.

On top of this, you will have other things going on in your life, which leads me to…

Do not drop anything for a guy

So you met the guy of your dreams last weekend.

Now he wants to hang out on Wednesday evening.

But you already organized to go for drinks with the girls on Wednesday evening.

You may want to ditch the girls and go on a date with this guy.

But and there is a big but….

Dropping everything for a guy is not attractive.

Guys may appreciate it for a date or two.

But they will quickly grow bored of you because you just become like every other girl to him.

This is why having an active social life is so important.

This is a really conuter-intuitive bit of dating advice for women, but trust me it works!

Remember how you really wanted that one guy because you could never get his full attention?

He was a challenge….

Be a challenge

Guys like girls that they have to chase after.

They value girls they have to catch more than pushovers.

Imagine the Super Bowl (strange analogy, but bear with me).

It’s the ultimate prize for a football player.

They spend all of high school and college just to have the chance to make a team that might never even make it to the Super Bowl.

It’s incredibly tough and 99.99% of football players never make it.

But for the ones that do, it’s the ultimate prize.

They value it because it’s a challenge.

They don’t value football socks as much because you can get them in a shop or borrow them.

You need to be the Super Bowl, not just another pair of stinky football socks, lol!

So in the dating world, that means you have to make men work hard to win you over.

You need to be a challenge and we all know that men love challenges

Have standards

Being a challenge is one thing, but having standards is another.

Just because a guy is cute, rich, captain of his high school football team or has a great job does not mean you should start dating him.

Yes you may be attracted to him and enjoy flirting with him, but if you know he is a player, then my advice is to stay away unless you are happy to be tossed aside for the next girl he wants.

There are two things you need to do.

First does he respect you?

Is he the kind of guy that will treat you properly or will he just tell his friends about every detail?

Then you will probably be wondering is he attracted to me.

Do not treat him as your emotional sponge*

Maybe you had a bad day at work or had a fight with your family.

The most unattractive thing you can do is to pour out all your feelings thinking it will get the guy you want.

Sure guys are logical and want to fix things.

But at the start of a relationship, unloading all your problems onto a guy is not smart.

It smells of ‘help fix my problems, I can’t do it myself’.

This is probably the harshest bit of dating advice I’ll give you, but sometimes you really have to work hard to make a relationship work.

(*This is super important at the start of any relationship but less so as it becomes more serious)

Do not reward bad behavior

If a guy cancels a date with you without a decent reason or teases you too much in front of his/your friends, the worst thing you can do is smile and laugh.

He needs to know when he has stepped over the line.

There is no need to throw your drink at him.

But ignore him for a little bit.

If it happens again, you need to tell him straight up when you are alone that you are walking if he ever tries it again.

It might sound harsh or mean.

Well that’s because it is.

But relationships aren’t always a breeze.

The good ones take work.

Let him open up when he wants to

Ever wonder what he’s thinking about.

“How come he never tells me how he feels?”

Here’s the thing.

If a guy is truly mad about you, then he will open up when he is ready.

Prodding and pleading with him to open up about his feelings will get him doing the exact opposite (the scientific term is cognitive dissonance folks).

If he does open up it’s only because he felt forced to and will resent you for it.

Be real

Everybody has an ideal version of themselves that they would like other people to see.

They hope that the guy they are trying to attract sees them this way too.

Perfect beauty, perfect life.

You’re not the only one.

Guys do this too.

They act macho and like to pretend that every girl wants them.

It’s okay to present yourself as perfect for the first few dates but if you feel like you have to always be ‘on’ then you will put unneeded stress on yourself.

This is probably the most important of all the dating advice that you can use if you want your relationships to last in the long term.

Added to this, the guy you are with will start to notice cracks and slowly start questioning whether or not you are who you say you are.

So you need to be real when flirting, chatting and dating guys.

If they don’t like you for who you are then don’t bother with them.

Does this mean I should tell them about my problems straight away.


Just don’t desperately try to hide every single little and imperfection and blemish.


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