How Former Nigeria LNG General Manager Commercial Godwill Dike Brutalised, Attempt to Bribe Domestic Staff (Photos)


How Former Nigeria LNG General Manager Commercial Godwill Dike Brutalised, Attempt to Bribe Domestic Staff (Photos)

Godwill Dike, erstwhile General Manager Commercial of Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas Limited (NLNG) has been accused of beating up his staff, detaining and dehumanising him for three days in his flat after accusing him of stealing a flash drive from his home computer.

Sheidu Ozovehe who worked as a cleaner for Mr Dike explained that on June 12, 2021, Mr Dike requested that he come to his flat to clean. After he was done, he left the house and returned home. Two days later, on the 14th, he was summoned to the Dike's residence in Maitama. Not suspecting Mr Dike’s sinister plan, he went to the house. 

“Immediately I got into the house, the doors were locked and I was manhandled. I was confused and kept asking what I had done, it was then Mr Dike accused me of stealing a flash drive. I answered that I had nothing to do with the missing flash drive and I definitely did not see it as I was cleaning. But my pleas fell on deaf ears instead my words seemed to infuriate him further. 

He ordered that I be stripped naked and cold water was poured on me in his air conditioned and cold home. I was tortured in this state for three days. The police were called and after they conducted their investigation, they they concluded I did not steal the flash drive as my fingerprint was not found on Dike's home computer. Confirming my innocence in the whole matter. It was after this that Mr Dike let me go. 

After one week, and while I was treating myself and trying to recuperate from injuries inflicted on me in this ordeal, Mr Dike sent his driver named Shuaibu to send me N250,000. I guess this was his way of apologising and compensating for my ordeal. But I immediately returned the money to Shuaibu. All I want is justice because Mr Dike dehumanised me. He made me feel less than a human being. I did not deserve the treatment meted out to me,” Sheidu revealed in a recent statement. 

Sheidu also explained that his treatment in the hands of Mr Dike has caused him many sleepless nights and he still suffers from PTSD from how he was beaten by Dike and his accomplices.

This is coming after Mr Dike was dragged before an Abuja High Court on a N1.6billion lawsuit for defamatory publications he allegedly made damaging the reputation of his former colleagues while he was the GM Commercial of NLNG. It has also been revealed that Godwill Dike whilst on international assignment in Jakarta, Indonesia around 2011 was engaged in a physical fight with an Indonesian citizen causing him grevious bodily harm. Mr Dike was arrested by the Indonesian police but was spared imprisonment by the swift intervention of the Nigerian embassy in Jakarta. 

He was subsequently made to pay compensation to the Indonesian man and was asked to leave the country bringing to an abrupt and inglorious end his international assignment in that country to the embarrassment of his employers and country. Why a man with such a violent disposition was made a General Manager Commercial of Nigeria LNG Limited remains unexplained.

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