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Best Ways To Promote Music In Nigeria (Justmp3loaded)


The way people promote music in Nigeria is different from how it's done in other parts of the world cause music lovers in Nigeria don't like listening to rising talents, They prefer listening to a well known artist which is the main reason you need a unique approach when promoting music in Nigeria.

Below are the proven methods of promotion that works in Nigeria :

Make use of street advertisers:
Advertising music locally is an old method and people in other parts of the world don't value it but in Nigeria it's a proven effective method of promoting music, the use of banners in the street, DJ's, dancers ....... Anything just to gain people's attention in your local area will go a long way in taking your career to the next level.

Attend shows regularly:
This is an important aspect of promoting one’s music, as an artist, you will need to attend shows regularly as it also creates room to reach out to a wide range of people.

Do collaboration with other Artists:
This is one of the best ways to promote your music as an artist. It is important to note that if you’re an upcoming artist, you need to do a collaboration with an artist that is popular at least to as extent. It is a waste most times for upcoming artist to collaborate with another upcoming artist. More importantly, collaborate with good sound and music.

Promoting your music through Websites & Blogs:

This is the most common method of music promotion in Nigeria and other areas of the world but with the recent research made we discovered people are now looking for alternatives like streaming platforms, copying the rest of the world in order to get paid forgetting this is Nigeria where music lovers don't stream or buy the songs of artists they don't know. The goal should be reaching more audience by making your music available for free download on blogs. Thankfully, we have have a lot of websites and blogs an artist can promote his music in Nigeria today.

Book radio stations sessions:
Airplay remains one of the biggest ways your music can be heard by a large audience. It might not be very easy for an upcoming artist due to cost issues but it is noteworthy and commands a lot of audience, saving up to do it will help your career. The other issue people face when trying to get airplay in Nigeria is having the right connection to avoid getting scammed, best way to contact a radio station is through the official email or phone number on their website or better still through DJ's that work in the radio station. Trying to go through corners thinking it will be cheaper will only get you scammed, Wise Up ! This Is Nigeria !

Engage your Social media sites and pages properly:
The way one engages one’s social media pages is very important, you do not have to be rude to your fans, it is okay for some to criticise you and all of that. Just keep pushing. Avoid being a snub as well as this is very appalling to Nigerians. Again, post things from time to time. Some very popular social media sites you can engagein are: Twitter, instagram, facebook.

Appreciate your fans:
This may sound pretty funny but today in Nigeria, one thing Nigerians look out for is “Giveaways”. You can carry out a research on this if you want. The language people understand these days is giveaway! You’d be surprised how much your fan base would grow within a very short period. You do not always need a bulk of money to do this. Giveaways can come in various forms and its up to you to decide how you want it.

Pay for proper advertising:
one can as well pay for proper advertising to promote and market one’s music. Advertising often appears on websites that relate with your ads’ texts globally.

We all know Nigeria's economy is hard, It is not compulsory to use all the recommended promotion strategies, if you don't have enough money to do all, do the ones you can and your efforts will be crowned. I honestly hope this helps you while promoting your music. More importantly, keep pushing. Cheers!


#Best Ways To Promote Music In Nigeria

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